Celebrating our 20th year anniversary with first-world infrastructure and the recertification of the ISO 27001 Norm

We are celebrating our 20th year anniversary!

Hard work and dedication has led us to be the number one data center company in the country, leaders in technology and cloud computing services with first-world infrastructure, Tier III certified.

We began operations in 2001, as ADN Solutions, being certified as a Tier III data center, shortly, according to the Uptime Institue.

Achieving this certification allowed us to reach other milestones. We offered the services that high calibre companies were looking for and needed. Tier III certifies that the data center’s infrastructure has the capacity to reach optimal levels of performance in order to accommodate certain industry-specific needs. Meeting these standards, we have offered Tier III certified operations since 2013.

In 2017, we were certified ISO 27001 norm and recertified recently. This international norm was achieved in order to protect the availability, confidentiality and integrity of the information stored in the datacenter. Our commitment with delivering high-quality services has allowed our company to have clients that are listed in the first 10 laces of the Fortune 500 list.

We are also certified Essential Costa Rica. The Country Brand aims to increase productivity in Costa Rica, which is why the associated organizations are evaluated in 5 areas: Sustainability, Excellence, Costa Rican Entailment, Social Progress and Innovation.

ADN Datacenters, certified with the norm ISO 27001, number one data center in the country and with certified first-world infrastructure; reaffirms the commitment to delivering the highest quality services to all of its clients. We have been able to see this reflected on all our milestones during these 20 years of operations.

If you want to take a look at our TIER III world-class infrastructure, book a virtual tour.